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Selenium Webdriver - How to Know if Checkbox is Checked / Set or Not
Selenium Webdriver - How to Know if Checkbox is Checked / Set or Not
Below are the posts to help you find out if a checkbox is checked or not with the help of Selenium Webdriver. You can also go through an earlier post on checking multiple checkboxes.
1. Webdriver Check if Checkbox is Set and Set it if Not.
2. Selenium checkbox attribute “checked”.
3. How can I check if a checkbox is checked in Selenium Python Webdriver?
4. I am using Selenium Webdriver. How do I write code for following use-cases: - check whether Checkbox is Enabled or Disabled - check whether Checkbox is Checked or UnChecked.
5. Selenium – Use Assertions to Verify the Test Output.
6. verify if checkbox is checked or if select box has selected specific option.
7. How to assert a checkbox is checked when it is coded as a div using Selenium2/Webdriver.
8. Selenium – Use Assertions to Verify the Test Output.
9. Find out if a checkbox is selected.
10. How to check if extjs checkbox is selected in selenium?
11. Handling check boxes and radio buttons using Selenium WebDriver.
Below are the posts to help you find out if a checkbox is checked or not with the help of Selenium Webdriver. You can also go through an earlier post on checking multiple checkboxes.
1. Webdriver Check if Checkbox is Set and Set it if Not.
2. Selenium checkbox attribute “checked”.
3. How can I check if a checkbox is checked in Selenium Python Webdriver?
4. I am using Selenium Webdriver. How do I write code for following use-cases: - check whether Checkbox is Enabled or Disabled - check whether Checkbox is Checked or UnChecked.
5. Selenium – Use Assertions to Verify the Test Output.
6. verify if checkbox is checked or if select box has selected specific option.
7. How to assert a checkbox is checked when it is coded as a div using Selenium2/Webdriver.
8. Selenium – Use Assertions to Verify the Test Output.
9. Find out if a checkbox is selected.
10. How to check if extjs checkbox is selected in selenium?
11. Handling check boxes and radio buttons using Selenium WebDriver.
Selenium Assertions
What is an assertion in Selenium?
Assertions in Selenium verify that the state of the application conforms to what is required or expected [i.e. the expected thing is actually present]. For example make sure that a particular text is showing on a page or make sure that checkbox is checked etc.
As per Seleniumhq, all Selenium Assertions can be used in 3 modes: "assert", "verify", and "waitFor". For example, you can "assertText", "verifyText" and "waitForText". When an "assert" fails, the test is aborted. When a "verify" fails, the test will continue execution, logging the failure. This allows a single "assert" to ensure that the application is on the correct page, followed by a bunch of "verify" assertions to test form field values, labels, etc.
Examples of Selenium Assertions
1. Selenium – Use Assertions to Verify the Test Output. [Link]
2. Implementing soft assertion with selenium. [Link]
3. Using assertions in Selenium. [Link]
4. Using soft assertions in TestNG. [Link]
5. Common Assertions using WebDriver. [Link]
6. Selenium WebDriver, Selenium Server and PageObjects by Example. [Link]
7. Quicker way to assert that an element does not exist. [Link]
8. Assert/VerifyElementPresent with Python and WebDriver? [Link]
9. Using assertTrue in Selenium Webdriver. [Link]
10. Selenium Webdriver - Wait for an element to load. [Link]
11. how can I check if some text exist or not in the page? [Link]
Assertions in Selenium verify that the state of the application conforms to what is required or expected [i.e. the expected thing is actually present]. For example make sure that a particular text is showing on a page or make sure that checkbox is checked etc.
As per Seleniumhq, all Selenium Assertions can be used in 3 modes: "assert", "verify", and "waitFor". For example, you can "assertText", "verifyText" and "waitForText". When an "assert" fails, the test is aborted. When a "verify" fails, the test will continue execution, logging the failure. This allows a single "assert" to ensure that the application is on the correct page, followed by a bunch of "verify" assertions to test form field values, labels, etc.
Examples of Selenium Assertions
1. Selenium – Use Assertions to Verify the Test Output. [Link]
2. Implementing soft assertion with selenium. [Link]
3. Using assertions in Selenium. [Link]
4. Using soft assertions in TestNG. [Link]
5. Common Assertions using WebDriver. [Link]
6. Selenium WebDriver, Selenium Server and PageObjects by Example. [Link]
7. Quicker way to assert that an element does not exist. [Link]
8. Assert/VerifyElementPresent with Python and WebDriver? [Link]
9. Using assertTrue in Selenium Webdriver. [Link]
10. Selenium Webdriver - Wait for an element to load. [Link]
11. how can I check if some text exist or not in the page? [Link]
Scrolling a Page - Webdriver
Scrolling a Page - Webdriver
Below links will try to answer your questions like how to scroll the page using Webdriver, page scroll up or down in WebDriver, how to scroll to element using WebDriver, how to recognize scrollbar etc.
1. Scrolling using Selenium-WebDriver. [Link]
2. Scroll Element into View with Selenium. [Link]
3. Scrolling on pages using Selenium. [Link]
4. Vertical Scroll down and scroll up in WebDriver with java. [Link]
5. Selenium 2: How to scroll to element using WebDriver. [Link]
6. How to recognize scrollbar and scroll up/down using Selenium2, C#. [Link]
7. Page scroll up or down in WebDriver (Selenium 2) using java. [Link]
8. How to Scroll the page. [Link]
9. Selenium webdriver can't click on a link outside the page. [Link]
10. Handle scrollbar in selemium2. [Link]
11. How to scroll to bottom of page in Selenium IDE? [Link]
12. How to Scroll the page. [Link]
Below links will try to answer your questions like how to scroll the page using Webdriver, page scroll up or down in WebDriver, how to scroll to element using WebDriver, how to recognize scrollbar etc.
1. Scrolling using Selenium-WebDriver. [Link]
2. Scroll Element into View with Selenium. [Link]
3. Scrolling on pages using Selenium. [Link]
4. Vertical Scroll down and scroll up in WebDriver with java. [Link]
5. Selenium 2: How to scroll to element using WebDriver. [Link]
6. How to recognize scrollbar and scroll up/down using Selenium2, C#. [Link]
7. Page scroll up or down in WebDriver (Selenium 2) using java. [Link]
8. How to Scroll the page. [Link]
9. Selenium webdriver can't click on a link outside the page. [Link]
10. Handle scrollbar in selemium2. [Link]
11. How to scroll to bottom of page in Selenium IDE? [Link]
12. How to Scroll the page. [Link]
How to send a mail - Selenium Webdriver
How to send a mail - Selenium Webdriver
Sending a mail using Webdriver / Selenium is one of the hot topics and below are the links which I have collected to help you with the same. I hope these links will give you atleast a starting point (if not extremely helpful) on the topic How to send a mail - Selenium Webdriver.
1. Using Selenium Web Driver to send e-mail with GMail. [Link]
2. Send a Mail to Friend from Gmail. [Link]
3. Verify Email Confirmation Using Selenium. [Link]
4. How to automated gmail to send email by using Selenium? [Link]
5. WebDriver Automation on verifying an email. [Link]
6. Automatically Email the reports after Selenium test execution. [Link]
Sending a mail using Webdriver / Selenium is one of the hot topics and below are the links which I have collected to help you with the same. I hope these links will give you atleast a starting point (if not extremely helpful) on the topic How to send a mail - Selenium Webdriver.
1. Using Selenium Web Driver to send e-mail with GMail. [Link]
2. Send a Mail to Friend from Gmail. [Link]
3. Verify Email Confirmation Using Selenium. [Link]
4. How to automated gmail to send email by using Selenium? [Link]
5. WebDriver Automation on verifying an email. [Link]
6. Automatically Email the reports after Selenium test execution. [Link]
Verify Broken Links / 404 Not-found - Webdriver
Verify Broken Links / 404 Not-found - Webdriver
There are cases when you need to find the broken links on a webpage or website. Below are some of the links which can help you with the task of finding broken links in webpage using Webdriver / Selenium.
1. How to check URL for 404 using Selenium WebDriver? [Link]
2. Webdriver and Image Verification. [Link]
3. Link Checking in Selenium without using Webdriver. [Link]
4. Broken links on webpage - Webdriver. [Link]
5. Finding the broken links in a webpage using Selenium. [Link]
6. Selenium IDE: Verify broken link 404 not found? [Link]
There are cases when you need to find the broken links on a webpage or website. Below are some of the links which can help you with the task of finding broken links in webpage using Webdriver / Selenium.
1. How to check URL for 404 using Selenium WebDriver? [Link]
2. Webdriver and Image Verification. [Link]
3. Link Checking in Selenium without using Webdriver. [Link]
4. Broken links on webpage - Webdriver. [Link]
5. Finding the broken links in a webpage using Selenium. [Link]
6. Selenium IDE: Verify broken link 404 not found? [Link]
7. On this post "How To Download Files With Selenium And Why You
Shouldn’t" go to paragraph which starts with "Checking that links are
valid". [Link]
WebDriverWait, ImplicitlyWait & ExplictlyWait
WebDriverWait, ImplicitlyWait & ExplictlyWait
An explicit waits is code you define to wait for a certain condition to occur before proceeding further in the code.
An implicit wait is to tell WebDriver to poll the DOM for a certain amount of time when trying to find an element or elements if they are not immediately available. [Go for more at Seleniumhq]
Some of the best links which will help further your knowledge on WebDriverWait, ImplicitlyWait & ExplictlyWait.
1. Selenium Tests: When to Wait with Webdriver [Link]
2. Selenium Webdriver - Wait for an element to load [Link]
3. WebDriver Wait is easier after using implicitlyWait() [Link]
4. What is Selenium's default timeout for page loading? [Link]
5. WebDriverWait or ImplicitlyWait or ExplictlyWait nothing works [Stackoverflow Link]
6. WebDriverWait or ImplicitlyWait or ExplictlyWait nothing works [Stackxchange Link]
7. One Useful Class for WebDriver - A Package Class for WebDriverWait [Link]
8. WebDriver’s implicit wait and deleting elements [Link]
9. Testing asynchronous applications with WebDriverWait [Link]
10. How to set Selenium Webdriver get timeout [Link]
11. Difference between WebDriver Wait timeout and implicitlyWait timeout? [Link]
An explicit waits is code you define to wait for a certain condition to occur before proceeding further in the code.
An implicit wait is to tell WebDriver to poll the DOM for a certain amount of time when trying to find an element or elements if they are not immediately available. [Go for more at Seleniumhq]
Some of the best links which will help further your knowledge on WebDriverWait, ImplicitlyWait & ExplictlyWait.
1. Selenium Tests: When to Wait with Webdriver [Link]
2. Selenium Webdriver - Wait for an element to load [Link]
3. WebDriver Wait is easier after using implicitlyWait() [Link]
4. What is Selenium's default timeout for page loading? [Link]
5. WebDriverWait or ImplicitlyWait or ExplictlyWait nothing works [Stackoverflow Link]
6. WebDriverWait or ImplicitlyWait or ExplictlyWait nothing works [Stackxchange Link]
7. One Useful Class for WebDriver - A Package Class for WebDriverWait [Link]
8. WebDriver’s implicit wait and deleting elements [Link]
9. Testing asynchronous applications with WebDriverWait [Link]
10. How to set Selenium Webdriver get timeout [Link]
11. Difference between WebDriver Wait timeout and implicitlyWait timeout? [Link]
12. ImplicitlyWait - Selenium 2 Webdriver C Sharp example [Link]
WebDriver - Open new tab
WebDriver - Open a new tab instead of a new browser window
These below links show you how to open a new tab using WebDriver (Selenium 2) instead of new window in a browser.
1. WebDriver open new tab [Link]
2. Java – How to open a new tab in the same browser by using Webdriver [Link]
3. Selenium web driver: Open new tab instead of a new window [Link]
4. Selenium 2: Open link in new tab and close tabs [Link]
5. Switch tabs using selenium Webdriver [Link]
6. Links opening in new windows all of a sudden [Link]
7. How to force Google Chrome to Open a New Window rather than a New Tab with Webdriver’s Chromedriver [Link]
These below links show you how to open a new tab using WebDriver (Selenium 2) instead of new window in a browser.
1. WebDriver open new tab [Link]
2. Java – How to open a new tab in the same browser by using Webdriver [Link]
3. Selenium web driver: Open new tab instead of a new window [Link]
4. Selenium 2: Open link in new tab and close tabs [Link]
5. Switch tabs using selenium Webdriver [Link]
6. Links opening in new windows all of a sudden [Link]
7. How to force Google Chrome to Open a New Window rather than a New Tab with Webdriver’s Chromedriver [Link]
This above post will show you how to force Google Chrome to open a new
window rather than a new tab for the purposes of testing web
applications using Webdriver’s fork for Chrome, Chromedriver.
Selenium WebDriver Click Link / Button
Selenium WebDriver Click Link / Button
If you are facing Selenium WebDriver Click Link or Click Button issue then read on. These below posts will help you in-case you are finding it hard to click a link or button using Selenium WebDriver:
1. Click a link / button [Link]
2. Selenium WebDriver – How to click on a hidden link or Menu [Link]
3. How to click in a specific part of a Button using Selenium, for the list of options to be displayed? [Link]
4. Selenium WebDriver Click() fails with IE9 [Link]
5. Click command in selenium WebDriver does not work [Link]
6. WebDriver: Click on button's part for open color chooser [Link]
7. Python/Selenium - Chrome Web Driver, Click Action [Link]
8. How to click a link / button implemented as a div or span element with WebDriver [Link]
If you are facing Selenium WebDriver Click Link or Click Button issue then read on. These below posts will help you in-case you are finding it hard to click a link or button using Selenium WebDriver:
1. Click a link / button [Link]
2. Selenium WebDriver – How to click on a hidden link or Menu [Link]
3. How to click in a specific part of a Button using Selenium, for the list of options to be displayed? [Link]
4. Selenium WebDriver Click() fails with IE9 [Link]
5. Click command in selenium WebDriver does not work [Link]
6. WebDriver: Click on button's part for open color chooser [Link]
7. Python/Selenium - Chrome Web Driver, Click Action [Link]
8. How to click a link / button implemented as a div or span element with WebDriver [Link]
9. Selenium WebDriver IE button issue [Link]
WebDriver - Download a File
WebDriver - Download a File
If you looking for information on "How to download a file using Selenium's WebDriver?" then below you can go through some of the finest links on web which cover topic on - downloading a file using Selenium WebDriver.
1. How do I download a file using Selenium's WebDriver? [Link]
2. File Downloads With Selenium - Mission Impossible? [Link]
3. Downloading files with WebDriver [Link]
4. How To Download Files With Selenium And Why You Shouldn’t. [Link]
5. An Android Love Affair [Link]
6. Dealing with File Downloads with Selenium [Link]
7. How to Download and Save Images with Selenium RC [Link]
8. JavaScript simulate right click through code [Link]
If you looking for information on "How to download a file using Selenium's WebDriver?" then below you can go through some of the finest links on web which cover topic on - downloading a file using Selenium WebDriver.
1. How do I download a file using Selenium's WebDriver? [Link]
2. File Downloads With Selenium - Mission Impossible? [Link]
3. Downloading files with WebDriver [Link]
4. How To Download Files With Selenium And Why You Shouldn’t. [Link]
5. An Android Love Affair [Link]
6. Dealing with File Downloads with Selenium [Link]
7. How to Download and Save Images with Selenium RC [Link]
8. JavaScript simulate right click through code [Link]
9. Ardesco / Ebselen [Link]
Selenium Webdriver Exception Handling
Exception Handling: Selenium Webdriver
Below are some of the links on web which can help you in case you are looking for something related to error handling or exception handling in Selenium Webdriver.
1. The remote WebDriver protocol has two levels of error handling, one for invalid requests, and one for failed commands. An example of an invalid request is for a resource that doesn't exist on the server, or perhaps for a verb that the resource doesn't understand (such as sending a DELETE command to the the resource used for dealing with the URL of the current page) In those cases, a normal HTTP 4xx response is sent. For a failed command, the responses error code is set to 500 ("Internal Server Error") and the returned data contains a more detailed breakdown of what went wrong. [More on this at Selenium WebDriver]
2. Exception Handling in Selenium Webdriver [Link]
3. Selenium::WebDriver::Error::UnhandledError (NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE) [Link]
4. How to capture the errors handling in Selenium WebDriver [Link]
5. How to Debug Selenium WebDriver Actions? [Link]
6. How to capture the errors handling in Selenium WebDriver [Link]
7. Selenium Webdriver/Java- Wait function and error handling [Link]
8. Selenium 2/Webdriver JavaScript exception handling: error message is null most of the time (Java API) [Link]
9. Problem catching Selenium Webdriver NoSuchElementException [Link]
10. Handling Element not visible exception in Selenium [Link]
11. How to handle handle exceptions with webdriver? [Link]
12. Problem catching Selenium Webdriver NoSuchElementException [Link]
13. NoSuchElementException after click() in Selenium 2 [Link]
14. Handling "Selenium (WebDriver) Exception: this.getWindow() is null" [Link]
Select / Check Check-box Webdriver
Select / Check Check-box Webdriver
Below posted links will help you to select or check multiple checkbox options in Selenium 2 / Webdriver. So go ahead and check / uncheck checkbox / checkboxes using selenium 2 or webdriver.
1. Check radio buttons and checkboxes [Link]
2. Click Check-box from the list of Check boxes via Selenium/Webdriver [Link]
3. Verify the check box checked or not [Link]
4. select or check multiple checkbox python selenium [Link]
5. Selenium checkbox attribute "checked" [Link]
6. Checking and Unchecking Web Checkbox [Link]
7. Find out if a checkbox is selected [Link]
8. Selenium verify checkbox is checked by text [Link]
9. Moving to Selenium 2 on WebDriver, Part No.2 [Link]
10. How to uncheck multiple check boxes at the same time in Selenium WebDriver (Java) [Link]
Below posted links will help you to select or check multiple checkbox options in Selenium 2 / Webdriver. So go ahead and check / uncheck checkbox / checkboxes using selenium 2 or webdriver.
1. Check radio buttons and checkboxes [Link]
2. Click Check-box from the list of Check boxes via Selenium/Webdriver [Link]
3. Verify the check box checked or not [Link]
4. select or check multiple checkbox python selenium [Link]
5. Selenium checkbox attribute "checked" [Link]
6. Checking and Unchecking Web Checkbox [Link]
7. Find out if a checkbox is selected [Link]
8. Selenium verify checkbox is checked by text [Link]
9. Moving to Selenium 2 on WebDriver, Part No.2 [Link]
10. How to uncheck multiple check boxes at the same time in Selenium WebDriver (Java) [Link]
11. What is the correct way to select an option using Selenium's Python WebDriver [Link]


WebDriver Popup Alert
WebDriver Popup Alert
Here in this post you will learn more about modal dialog and how to handle the same with Selenium WebDriver. Below links will guide you on - How to handle modal dialogs with WebDriver:
1. Selenium Webdriver - Support for window.showModalDialog [Link]
2. How do I handle modal dialogs with selenium 2 [Link]
3. Selenium/WebDriver script gets interrupted by exception "Message: u'Modal dialog present'" [Link]
4. How do I handle the login modal dialog created by onLoad in a WebDriver & Java based test automation [Link]
5. Popup handling in Selenium 2x [Link]
6. Handling a javascript popup occurring on a keyup event [Link]
7. Modal dialog present (Selenium::WebDriver::Error::UnhandledAlertError) after dismissing confirm popup [Link]
8. Selenium WebDriver – Handling Javascript Popups [Link]
9. NoAlertPresentException - WebDriver [Link]
10. Deal with Modal Dialog in my WebDriver test [Link]
11. How to handle login popup window using selenium webdriver? [Link]
Here in this post you will learn more about modal dialog and how to handle the same with Selenium WebDriver. Below links will guide you on - How to handle modal dialogs with WebDriver:
1. Selenium Webdriver - Support for window.showModalDialog [Link]
2. How do I handle modal dialogs with selenium 2 [Link]
3. Selenium/WebDriver script gets interrupted by exception "Message: u'Modal dialog present'" [Link]
4. How do I handle the login modal dialog created by onLoad in a WebDriver & Java based test automation [Link]
5. Popup handling in Selenium 2x [Link]
6. Handling a javascript popup occurring on a keyup event [Link]
7. Modal dialog present (Selenium::WebDriver::Error::UnhandledAlertError) after dismissing confirm popup [Link]
8. Selenium WebDriver – Handling Javascript Popups [Link]
9. NoAlertPresentException - WebDriver [Link]
10. Deal with Modal Dialog in my WebDriver test [Link]
11. How to handle login popup window using selenium webdriver? [Link]
Parameterization / Data-Driven Testing Using Selenium Webdriver
Parameterization / Data-Driven Testing Using Selenium Webdriver
Selenium Data-Driven testing or Selenium Parameterization can be done using number of data sources like database, excel, csv files etc. Among these, Selenium Parameterization from excel is more favorite with testers. Below you can look at various awesome links (e.g. Data-Driven Testing with Selenium webdriver, Parameterization of Selenium Tests with Microsoft Excel etc.) to help you achieve your goal of learning Selenium Data-Driven testing or Selenium Parameterization.
Selenium Data-Driven testing or Selenium Parameterization can be done using number of data sources like database, excel, csv files etc. Among these, Selenium Parameterization from excel is more favorite with testers. Below you can look at various awesome links (e.g. Data-Driven Testing with Selenium webdriver, Parameterization of Selenium Tests with Microsoft Excel etc.) to help you achieve your goal of learning Selenium Data-Driven testing or Selenium Parameterization.

Selenium WebDriver & Internet Explorer
Selenium WebDriver & Internet Explorer
Below are some of the links to help you with your efforts to get Selenium WebDriver & Internet Explorer working:
1. Internet Explorer Driver. [Link]
2. How do I start the Internet Explorer WebDriver for Selenium in Python? [Link]
3. Interacting with web pages using Selenium WebDriver for C#. [Link]
4. Selenium Web Driver: InternetExplorerDriver : NoSuchElementException. [Link]
5. Using the Selenium WebDriver. [Link]
6. Selenium WebDriver and InternetExplorer. [Link]
7. Selenium WebDriver error for IE. [Link]
8. Selenium Two Tutorial using C#/NUnit and InternetExplorerDriver. [Link]
This above tutorial will tell you how to set up your first test using the Selenium-WebDriver code. This tutorial will not be using the Remote Driver and it will be using the InternetExplorerDriver as this is the only complete browser at the moment that doesn't need to be built from the Repository.
9. Interacting with web pages using Selenium WebDriver for C#. [Link]
In this above post the author takes you through the process of using Selenium WebDriver to automate some interaction with a web browser and hopefully show you how powerful Selenium is. The author takes a simple scenario as an example – submitting a request to the Google search engine. In this example, Internet Explorer is used.
Below are some of the links to help you with your efforts to get Selenium WebDriver & Internet Explorer working:
1. Internet Explorer Driver. [Link]
2. How do I start the Internet Explorer WebDriver for Selenium in Python? [Link]
3. Interacting with web pages using Selenium WebDriver for C#. [Link]
4. Selenium Web Driver: InternetExplorerDriver : NoSuchElementException. [Link]
5. Using the Selenium WebDriver. [Link]
6. Selenium WebDriver and InternetExplorer. [Link]
7. Selenium WebDriver error for IE. [Link]
8. Selenium Two Tutorial using C#/NUnit and InternetExplorerDriver. [Link]
This above tutorial will tell you how to set up your first test using the Selenium-WebDriver code. This tutorial will not be using the Remote Driver and it will be using the InternetExplorerDriver as this is the only complete browser at the moment that doesn't need to be built from the Repository.
9. Interacting with web pages using Selenium WebDriver for C#. [Link]
In this above post the author takes you through the process of using Selenium WebDriver to automate some interaction with a web browser and hopefully show you how powerful Selenium is. The author takes a simple scenario as an example – submitting a request to the Google search engine. In this example, Internet Explorer is used.
10. Starting Opera Browser and Internet Explorer (IE) using WebDriver(Selenium2) with example. [Link]
Selenium WebDriver Drag & Drop
Below links will help you to explore more Selenium WebDriver Drag & Drop:
1. Selenium WebDriver Using Drag / Drop. [Link]
2. Using Drag and Drop with WebDriver. [Link]
3. Using Drag and Drop in WebDriver. [Link]
4. Python Selenium WebDriver drag-and-drop. [Link]
5. Similar to above one:
Drag-and-drop failing on complex jQuery UI. [Link]
6. HTML5 Drag and Drop using Selenium WebDriver for Ruby. [Link]
1. Selenium WebDriver Using Drag / Drop. [Link]
2. Using Drag and Drop with WebDriver. [Link]
3. Using Drag and Drop in WebDriver. [Link]
4. Python Selenium WebDriver drag-and-drop. [Link]
5. Similar to above one:
Drag-and-drop failing on complex jQuery UI. [Link]
6. HTML5 Drag and Drop using Selenium WebDriver for Ruby. [Link]
7. Drag & Drop with WebDriver. [Link]
Selenium Webdriver & Excel
Selenium Webdriver & Excel
Below are some of the links which will help you to work with Excel [.XLSX files] using Selenium Webdriver:
1. DataProvider - Data Driven Testing with Selenium and TestNG. [Link]
2. Parameterization of Selenium Tests with Microsoft Excel. [Link]
3. Data driven testing In Selenium using JXL (Part 1). [Link]
4. Data Driven Testing in Selenium using JXL (Part 2). [Link]
5. Using POI API to work with Excel (.XLSX file). [Link1][Link2 - Actual Code]
6. Reading writing from Excel files for selenium automation testing framework design. [Link]
7. Apache POI - Read Excel - For use of Selenium TestNG DataProvider. [Link]
8. Selenium - Reading test data from XLS (MS Excel) using Apache POI. [Link]
9. Hybrid Testing (Data + Keyword Driven) using Selenium. [Link]
10. Data-driven tests with JUnit 4 and Excel. [Link]
Below are some of the links which will help you to work with Excel [.XLSX files] using Selenium Webdriver:
1. DataProvider - Data Driven Testing with Selenium and TestNG. [Link]
2. Parameterization of Selenium Tests with Microsoft Excel. [Link]
3. Data driven testing In Selenium using JXL (Part 1). [Link]
4. Data Driven Testing in Selenium using JXL (Part 2). [Link]
5. Using POI API to work with Excel (.XLSX file). [Link1][Link2 - Actual Code]
6. Reading writing from Excel files for selenium automation testing framework design. [Link]
7. Apache POI - Read Excel - For use of Selenium TestNG DataProvider. [Link]
8. Selenium - Reading test data from XLS (MS Excel) using Apache POI. [Link]
9. Hybrid Testing (Data + Keyword Driven) using Selenium. [Link]
10. Data-driven tests with JUnit 4 and Excel. [Link]
11. Lastly this selenium Wiki might help. [Link]
Selenium WebDriver Page Objects
The Page Object pattern represents the screens of your web app as a series of objects. There is a PageFactory in the support package that provides support for this pattern, and helps to remove some boiler-plate code from your Page Objects at the same time.
Below you can find few awesome links on Page Objects in order to understand these in depth:
1. Page Objects in Selenium 2.0
In this post the author looks at the difference between test specification and test implementation and how Selenium achieves this with page objects. [Link]
2. Using Page Objects with Selenium and Web Driver 2.0. [Link]
3. Good explanation of Page Objects, Implementation Notes and an example. [Link]
4. Selenium Page Object Pattern
This post makes you understand how to apply the Page Object design pattern. [Link]
5. Automated Testing Using Page Objects and WebDriver. [Link]
6. Selenium WebDriver: Page Object Pattern and PageFactory. [Link]
This post explains Page Object Pattern, main advantages of Page Object Pattern, Why use PageFactory? and much more.
7. Selenium PageObjects and PageFactory.
This article discusses the PageObject design pattern and a factory class from WebDriver support libraries. [Link]
8. Abstracting Web Page Interaction. [Link]
9. Selenium 2/Web Driver - the Land Where Page Objects are King! [Link]
10. Page Object Model – Introduction - (infact all posts related to Page Object Model, using Integrate Development Environment, called Eclipse). [Link]
11. Page Objects design issues. [Link]
12. Selenium webdriver page object.
It is tough to figure out how to define each page object BUT lets say I have figured that out and defined several page objects that represent our site.
How do you handle crossing from page to page. So I get a page object for my home page and one for my account page and one for my results page. Then I need to write a test that traverses all my pages to simulate a user performing multiple actions. [Link]
13. The PageObject pattern for Selenium WebDriver UI tests. [Link]
14. Selenium Page Objects and Abstraction (explanation that relates the page object pattern to the concept of abstraction in programming). [Link]
Below you can find few awesome links on Page Objects in order to understand these in depth:
1. Page Objects in Selenium 2.0
In this post the author looks at the difference between test specification and test implementation and how Selenium achieves this with page objects. [Link]
2. Using Page Objects with Selenium and Web Driver 2.0. [Link]
3. Good explanation of Page Objects, Implementation Notes and an example. [Link]
4. Selenium Page Object Pattern
This post makes you understand how to apply the Page Object design pattern. [Link]
5. Automated Testing Using Page Objects and WebDriver. [Link]
6. Selenium WebDriver: Page Object Pattern and PageFactory. [Link]
This post explains Page Object Pattern, main advantages of Page Object Pattern, Why use PageFactory? and much more.
7. Selenium PageObjects and PageFactory.
This article discusses the PageObject design pattern and a factory class from WebDriver support libraries. [Link]
8. Abstracting Web Page Interaction. [Link]
9. Selenium 2/Web Driver - the Land Where Page Objects are King! [Link]
10. Page Object Model – Introduction - (infact all posts related to Page Object Model, using Integrate Development Environment, called Eclipse). [Link]
11. Page Objects design issues. [Link]
12. Selenium webdriver page object.
It is tough to figure out how to define each page object BUT lets say I have figured that out and defined several page objects that represent our site.
How do you handle crossing from page to page. So I get a page object for my home page and one for my account page and one for my results page. Then I need to write a test that traverses all my pages to simulate a user performing multiple actions. [Link]
13. The PageObject pattern for Selenium WebDriver UI tests. [Link]
14. Selenium Page Objects and Abstraction (explanation that relates the page object pattern to the concept of abstraction in programming). [Link]
15. WebDriver: How to check if an page object web element exists? [Link]
Taking Screenshots with Selenium WebDriver
Take a screenshot with Selenium WebDriver
Testers do take screenshots while testing, its important in many ways. So can you take screenshots using Selenium WebDriver? The answer is yes. Below you can find few good links that show you how to take screenshots with Selenium WebDriver:
1. This StackOverflow link has an example from Java, Python, Ruby, Jython [Link]
2. Taking screenshots with Selenium WebDriver (Selenium Client Driver for C#) [Link]
3. Taking screenshot of flash object using Selenium with Webdriver [Link]
4. Taking a Screenshot with Selenium Remote Webdriver - Java, Csharp, Python, Ruby [link]
5. If capture screenshot functionality with remote webdriver implementation throws Class Cast Exception [java.lang.ClassCastException: org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebDriver cannot be cast to org.openqa.selenium.TakesScreenshot], then take a look here.
6. How to take an OS level screen capture using ruby selenium webdriver [Link]
Testers do take screenshots while testing, its important in many ways. So can you take screenshots using Selenium WebDriver? The answer is yes. Below you can find few good links that show you how to take screenshots with Selenium WebDriver:
1. This StackOverflow link has an example from Java, Python, Ruby, Jython [Link]
2. Taking screenshots with Selenium WebDriver (Selenium Client Driver for C#) [Link]
3. Taking screenshot of flash object using Selenium with Webdriver [Link]
4. Taking a Screenshot with Selenium Remote Webdriver - Java, Csharp, Python, Ruby [link]
5. If capture screenshot functionality with remote webdriver implementation throws Class Cast Exception [java.lang.ClassCastException: org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebDriver cannot be cast to org.openqa.selenium.TakesScreenshot], then take a look here.
6. How to take an OS level screen capture using ruby selenium webdriver [Link]
How to Take Screenshots during Selenium Test Execution [Link]
Selenium Element Locator Examples
An element Locator tells Selenium which HTML element a command refers to. The format of a locator is:
Below are some of the awesome links to help you understand Selenium element locator in a better way:
1. Selenium Tutorial : Locators [Link]
2. Locating page elements using WebDriver [Link]
3. How to locate elements in Selenium IDE? [Link]
4. A Quick Introduction to CSS Locators in Selenium [Link]
5. Selenium Element Locators [Link]
6. Selenium Tips: Start improving your locators [Link]
7. Selenium Tips: CSS Selectors in Selenium Demystified [Link]
8. Selenium: Is it possible to use the regexp in selenium locators [Link]
9. How to use regex in selenium locators [Link]
10. Selenium IDE with an XPath Locator [Link]
Below are some of the awesome links to help you understand Selenium element locator in a better way:
1. Selenium Tutorial : Locators [Link]
2. Locating page elements using WebDriver [Link]
3. How to locate elements in Selenium IDE? [Link]
4. A Quick Introduction to CSS Locators in Selenium [Link]
5. Selenium Element Locators [Link]
6. Selenium Tips: Start improving your locators [Link]
7. Selenium Tips: CSS Selectors in Selenium Demystified [Link]
8. Selenium: Is it possible to use the regexp in selenium locators [Link]
9. How to use regex in selenium locators [Link]
10. Selenium IDE with an XPath Locator [Link]
11. When to use which element locator, element locator use in selenium Xpath,CSS, DOM [Link]
Selenium WebDriver Installation
WebDriver is a clean, fast framework for automated testing of webapps. Selenium WebDriver is not tied to any particular test framework.
Google Opensource blog says: WebDriver takes a different approach to solve the same problem as Selenium. Rather than being a JavaScript application running within the browser, it uses whichever mechanism is most appropriate to control the browser. For Firefox, this means that WebDriver is implemented as an extension. For IE, WebDriver makes use of IE's Automation controls. By changing the mechanism used to control the browser, we can circumvent the restrictions placed on the browser by the JavaScript security model. In those cases where automation through the browser isn't enough, WebDriver can make use of facilities offered by the Operating System. For example, on Windows we simulate typing at the OS level, which means we are more closely modeling how the user interacts with the browser, and that we can type into "file" input elements.
For in-depth knowledge on Selenium WebDriver, see here.
Below are few links to help you in the process of Selenium WebDriver installation:
1. WebDriver for Chrome [Link]
2. Setting Up a Selenium-WebDriver Project [Link]
3. Installing Selenium Webdriver on Ubuntu 11 [Link]
4. Installing Selenium Webdriver ( [Link]
5. Setting Up a Selenium-WebDriver Project [Link]
6. Selenium Webdriver for Python installation [Link 1] [Link 2]
7. Python - Getting Started With Selenium WebDriver on Ubuntu/Debian [Link]
8. Get started with Selenium 2 [Link]
Google Opensource blog says: WebDriver takes a different approach to solve the same problem as Selenium. Rather than being a JavaScript application running within the browser, it uses whichever mechanism is most appropriate to control the browser. For Firefox, this means that WebDriver is implemented as an extension. For IE, WebDriver makes use of IE's Automation controls. By changing the mechanism used to control the browser, we can circumvent the restrictions placed on the browser by the JavaScript security model. In those cases where automation through the browser isn't enough, WebDriver can make use of facilities offered by the Operating System. For example, on Windows we simulate typing at the OS level, which means we are more closely modeling how the user interacts with the browser, and that we can type into "file" input elements.
For in-depth knowledge on Selenium WebDriver, see here.
Below are few links to help you in the process of Selenium WebDriver installation:
1. WebDriver for Chrome [Link]
2. Setting Up a Selenium-WebDriver Project [Link]
3. Installing Selenium Webdriver on Ubuntu 11 [Link]
4. Installing Selenium Webdriver ( [Link]
5. Setting Up a Selenium-WebDriver Project [Link]
6. Selenium Webdriver for Python installation [Link 1] [Link 2]
7. Python - Getting Started With Selenium WebDriver on Ubuntu/Debian [Link]
8. Get started with Selenium 2 [Link]
Selenium WebDriver AndroidDriver [Link]
Selenium - Uploading a File
If you are trying to upload a file using Selenium and are stuck then below links may help you. Below are 10 links to help you upload a file using Selenium automation testing tool.
Selenium RC with Junit framework - upload a file using attachFile() method - [Link]
Selenium - Uploading Files in Remote WebDriver - [Link]
Selenium - Upload files on browsers running over remote machines [Link]
Selenium: Upload file in Google Chrome - [Link]
How to deal with file uploading in test automation using selenium or webdriver - [Link]
Webdriver: File Upload - [Link]
How to upload a file using Selenium in Java - [Link]
How to upload a file in selenium - AutoIT - [Link]
Selenium RC: How to Upload and Submit Files Using Selenium and AutoIt - [Link]
Selenium RC with Junit framework - upload a file using attachFile() method - [Link]
Selenium - Uploading Files in Remote WebDriver - [Link]
Selenium - Upload files on browsers running over remote machines [Link]
Selenium: Upload file in Google Chrome - [Link]
How to deal with file uploading in test automation using selenium or webdriver - [Link]
Webdriver: File Upload - [Link]
How to upload a file using Selenium in Java - [Link]
How to upload a file in selenium - AutoIT - [Link]
Selenium RC: How to Upload and Submit Files Using Selenium and AutoIt - [Link]
Selenium Upload/Download file handling - [Link]
Selenium Tutorial Links
People use Selenium for automating web applications for testing purposes.
Selenium is a suite of tools to automate web browsers across many platforms.
Selenium works with many browsers (Firefox, IE, Safari, Opera, Chrome) , operating systems (Windows, OS X, Linux, Solaris), programming languages (C#, JAva, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby), and testing frameworks(Bromine, JUnit, NUnit, RSpec, Test::Unit, TestNG, unittest). For more on platforms see here.
You can find solutions to most Selenium problems here.
Below are the best tutorials (Selenium links, tutorials, videos, forums etc.) you could ever find on a Selenium:
Selenium Documentation - Link
Selenium Documentation in PDF - Link
Selenium Reference, commands etc. - Link
The silverlight-selenium libraries extend the Selenium RC clients, adding Silverlight communication capabilities to the Selenium RC tests. - Link
Basic Selenium Tutorial PDF - Link
Getting Started with Selenium - awesome Selenium RefCardz - Link
Selenium IDE Tutorial – Part 1 - Link
Selenium IDE Tutorial – Part 2 - Link
Selenium Forum - Link
Another Good Selenium Forum - Link
Selenium: Cross-browser Website Testing - A two page post on Selenium - Link
Automated Web Testing with Selenium - Link
Advanced Selenium - Link
Automation using Selenium - Link
Test Automation Framework – Selenium - Link
Selenium Tutorial - Chapter 1 to Chapter 8 - Link
A small Selenium Tutorial - Link
Test Automation Using Selenium - Link
Functional Testing of ASP.Net Applications with Selenium - Link
How to automate file upload in Internet Explorer using Selenium? - Link
Selenium Browser automation framework - Link
Stories on a Cloud - Distributed Browser Testing with Selenium - Link
Testing web applications with Selenium - Link
Online Selenium Testing - Link
Selenium: Cross-browser Website Testing - A small post on introduction to selenium - Link
Sauce Labs: Run your Selenium tests in our cloud. Save yourself a QA Lab - Link
Learn how to use Selenium with Maven/Ant to automate testing of web apps - Link
Selenium User Meetup 2008: Developer Questions & Answers - Link
Selenium: The in-browser acceptance testing tool - Link
Why Your Selenium Tests Are So Dang Brittle (and What To Do About It) - Link
FLOSS Weekly Interview on Selenium - Link
How Mozilla uses Selenium - Link
Follow Selenium on Facebook - Link
Selenium WebDriver, Selenium Server and PageObjects by Example - Link
Video tutorial: functional testing with Selenium IDE - Link
Get started with Selenium 2 - Link
A Look at Selenium - Better Software - Link
Learn with examples on Selenium WebDriver API - Link
Automated Web Testing with Selenium IDE - Link
Selenium is a suite of tools to automate web browsers across many platforms.
Selenium works with many browsers (Firefox, IE, Safari, Opera, Chrome) , operating systems (Windows, OS X, Linux, Solaris), programming languages (C#, JAva, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby), and testing frameworks(Bromine, JUnit, NUnit, RSpec, Test::Unit, TestNG, unittest). For more on platforms see here.
You can find solutions to most Selenium problems here.
Below are the best tutorials (Selenium links, tutorials, videos, forums etc.) you could ever find on a Selenium:
Selenium Documentation - Link
Selenium Documentation in PDF - Link
Selenium Reference, commands etc. - Link
The silverlight-selenium libraries extend the Selenium RC clients, adding Silverlight communication capabilities to the Selenium RC tests. - Link
Basic Selenium Tutorial PDF - Link
Getting Started with Selenium - awesome Selenium RefCardz - Link
Selenium IDE Tutorial – Part 1 - Link
Selenium IDE Tutorial – Part 2 - Link
Selenium Forum - Link
Another Good Selenium Forum - Link
Selenium: Cross-browser Website Testing - A two page post on Selenium - Link
Automated Web Testing with Selenium - Link
Advanced Selenium - Link
Automation using Selenium - Link
Test Automation Framework – Selenium - Link
Selenium Tutorial - Chapter 1 to Chapter 8 - Link
A small Selenium Tutorial - Link
Test Automation Using Selenium - Link
Functional Testing of ASP.Net Applications with Selenium - Link
How to automate file upload in Internet Explorer using Selenium? - Link
Selenium Browser automation framework - Link
Stories on a Cloud - Distributed Browser Testing with Selenium - Link
Testing web applications with Selenium - Link
Online Selenium Testing - Link
Selenium: Cross-browser Website Testing - A small post on introduction to selenium - Link
Sauce Labs: Run your Selenium tests in our cloud. Save yourself a QA Lab - Link
Learn how to use Selenium with Maven/Ant to automate testing of web apps - Link
Selenium User Meetup 2008: Developer Questions & Answers - Link
Selenium: The in-browser acceptance testing tool - Link
Why Your Selenium Tests Are So Dang Brittle (and What To Do About It) - Link
FLOSS Weekly Interview on Selenium - Link
How Mozilla uses Selenium - Link
Follow Selenium on Facebook - Link
Selenium WebDriver, Selenium Server and PageObjects by Example - Link
Video tutorial: functional testing with Selenium IDE - Link
Get started with Selenium 2 - Link
A Look at Selenium - Better Software - Link
Learn with examples on Selenium WebDriver API - Link
Automated Web Testing with Selenium IDE - Link
You can also download Selenium.
Wednesday, 27 March 2013
Donate to Selenium Google project
Donate to Selenium
with Google Checkout
with PayPal
Monday, 14 January 2013
Wednesday, 17 October 2012
Project Training for BCA,MCA,BE Computer,IT,BSC IT,MSC IT,Diploma Students,IGNOU,DOEACC students
Send your email to all IT companies for enquiring about Project Training for BCA,MCA,BE Computer,IT,BSC IT,MSC IT,Diploma Students,IGNOU,DOEACC students using
This is automated form filling system developed using Selenium Webdriver and JAVA.
Its not a rocket science. Its simple. Just follow some instructions.
Once you are ready with Eclipse and added Selenium webdriver jars in Eclipse then make one new class in eclipse and copy paste following code in that class
This is automated form filling system developed using Selenium Webdriver and JAVA.
Its not a rocket science. Its simple. Just follow some instructions.
Once you are ready with Eclipse and added Selenium webdriver jars in Eclipse then make one new class in eclipse and copy paste following code in that class
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
// Uncomment following command one by one and run this whole script for all this command
// this is made for Banglore city
// you can get more city same way by going and searching on justdialand get links
// add that link here and run whole script again
// driver.navigate().to("");
// driver.navigate().to("");
// driver.navigate().to("");
// driver.navigate().to("");
// driver.navigate().to("");
// driver.navigate().to("");
// driver.navigate().to("");
// driver.navigate().to("");
// driver.navigate().to("");
// driver.navigate().to("");
// driver.navigate().to("");
// driver.navigate().to("");
// driver.navigate().to("");
// driver.navigate().to("");
// driver.navigate().to("");
// driver.navigate().to("");
// driver.navigate().to("");
// driver.navigate().to("");
// driver.navigate().to("");
// driver.navigate().to("");
// driver.navigate().to("");
// driver.navigate().to("");
// driver.navigate().to("");
// driver.navigate().to("");
// driver.navigate().to("");
// driver.navigate().to("");
// driver.navigate().to("");
// driver.navigate().to("");
// driver.navigate().to("");
// driver.navigate().to("");
String SearchLinkText = null;
// Set variable j based on no of page of the search result of the
// Click on Next Button 21 times
for (int j = 1; j <= 21; j++) {
System.out.println("Page no" + j);
for(int i=1;i<=25;i++){
try {
String Start = "//*[@id='mainContent']/div[3]/div[";
String End = "]/div[1]/span/a";
SearchLinkText = driver.findElement(By.xpath(Start+i+End)).getText() ;
System.out.println(SearchLinkText + " --- is opened");
if (driver.findElement(By.linkText("Send Enquiry by Email")).isDisplayed()) {
// Click on Send Enquiry by Email link
driver.findElement(By.linkText("Send Enquiry by Email")).click();
} else{
System.out.println(SearchLinkText + " --- Skipping Send Enquiry by Email");
//Enter your name in "Your name" in following command
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[@id='enqname']")).sendKeys("Your Name");
//Enter your Mobile no into "Your Mobile no" in following command
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[@id='enqmobile']")).sendKeys("Your Mobile no");
//Enter your Email ID into "Your Email ID" in following command
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[@id='enqemail']")).sendKeys("Your Email ID");
//Enter your Email Subject into "Email Subject" in following command
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[@id='enqsub']")).sendKeys("Email Subject [Ex: I am looking for Project & Training in JAVA]");
////Enter your one line Email Body into "Email Subject" in following command
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[@id='enqbd']")).sendKeys("Enter oneline email body [Ex: I am looking for training for my 6th sem of BE CE]");
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(3, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
System.out.println("Email Sent to --- " + i);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Unable to locate ");
//Click on Next button
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