How to start Selenium Grid hub and RCs with one click.
Its a so simple process. We can done it by creating a bat/sh file. Here is the steps
Open a notepad and enter following
start /B ant launch-hub
start /B ant -Denvironment=”*firefox” -Dport=5555 -DhubURL=http://localhost:4444 launch-remote-control
start /B ant -Denvironment=”*iehta” -Dport=5557 -DhubURL=http://localhost:4444 launch-remote-control
start /B ant -Denvironment=”*firefox” -Dport=5555 -DhubURL=http://localhost:4444 launch-remote-control
start /B ant -Denvironment=”*iehta” -Dport=5557 -DhubURL=http://localhost:4444 launch-remote-control
Save the notepad as bat file in Selenium Grid base directory. Double click on the bat file and it will start Hub and RCs.