We created this instruction for Windows platform as we use it on our workstations. We are not trying to build a powerful web service here, we just trying to figure out how to auto-test web applications. We love Unix too, and if your plan is to configure this on Unix, we expect that you will be able to assemble a similar setup using this post as a guidance.
Table of content
1. Required
1.1 Java Development Kit (JDK)
1.2 Ant
1.3 Selenium
1.4 Браузер (Firefox,
2.1 TestNG
2.2 log4j
3.1 PHP
3.2 PEAR
3.3 PHPUnit
3.4 Testing_Selenium
3.5 log4php
4.1 TortoiseSVN
5. Additional information
1. Let’s start with required components
1.1 JDK
Please load it from here and make sure you have selected JDK (not JRE). All you need to do after download is to start the installation.
If you are a regular Java developer, you will most likely see many different versions of Java installed on you machine. We installed downloaded package into С:\program files\Java\jdk1.6.0_12
Fig. 1 JDK install
Once installation is complete, we need to check that we can execute and compile Java code without specifying its home dir. Please check that the PATH variable set to C:\program files\Java\jdk1.6.0_12\bin. Confirm that the value is exactly as listed here. Close enough is not good enough. Also we have to create (check value) JAVA_HOME = C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_12.
Fig. 2 All is looking good (so far)
1.2 Ant
To install Ant, we used the Ant 1.7.1 binaries and this installation manual. We will refer to installation directory as ANT_HOME. It was installed into C:\ant, and for us ANT_HOME = C:\ant. It is important to confirm that the PATH contains ANT_HOME\bin (in our case C:\ant\bin).
There is an assumption that our readers are already familiar with intuitively-obvious OS Windows interface for manipulating PATH.
To test the Ant install, we can execute following command
to check that everything is ok.Fig. 3 Validate Ant, install and config
This output indicates a successful install of Ant. We are satisfied with output shown on Fig.3.
1.3 Selenium Grid
We load it from here and unpack into C:\. The Selenium directory as in the archive, is best renamed to ‘selenium’. After the directory rename, we should see C:\selenium and we will refer to it as SELENIUM_HOME.
To validate you can run command –
ant -f C:\selenium\build.xml sanity-check
.Fig. 4 Validating Selenium installation
1.4 Firefox*
Firefox can be downloaded here. We would recommend installing it into the default location – С:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox, or obediently agree with all of the default options/selections during installation.
2. Preparing for Java tests launch
2.1 TestNG
We have chosen to use TestNG version 5.8-jdk15, which can be downloaded from here. It is enough to unpack content of downloaded archive into C:\testng. I will call this folder TESTNG_HOME. As you realised my TESTNG_HOME = C:\testng.
2.2 Log4j
We will load log4j for debugging and analysis of the ‘uncut’ logs of Selenium from Java. Load the unpacked archive into C:\log4j. LOG4J_HOME = C:\log4j.
3. Assembling to run PHP tests
There is a long road to install PHP driver for Selenium. I hope this walkthrough will save you some time. We will install PHP and PEAR. With help of PEAR we will install PHPUnit and finally we will install Testing_Selenium. Let’s begin!
3.1 PHP install
We use version 5.2.8 of PHP for Windows, using the msi-installer. You can load it from here. We prefer to use the msi-installer, because it allows us to configure all extensions, PEAR and even documentation in one quick step. Unlike the zip-package install. We definitely need PEAR and we recommend installing all extensions it offers – 16M. By the way, installer will set all PATH variables required for you too. I installed PHP into C:\php (PHP_HOME=C:\php).
Two points to mention during install:
Fig. 5 We do not need web server to run tests
Рис. 6 Do not forget to install PEAR and extensions
For those of you who does not like installer and likes to control installation process – please unpack archive into C:\php, set PATH and create environment variable PHPRC (PHP Runtime Configuration), which should point to a directory containing PHP configuration file – php.ini (in my case it is also C:\php).
To check our progress at this point, we can run the ‘php –v’ command at command prompt. You should see something similar to Fig. 7.
Fig. 7 Validating PHP install
Comment: later, while running tests, we had to increase value of default_socket_timeout in file php.ini. I have it set to 300 seconds as sometimes SalesForce site is running tooo slooooow.
3.2 PEAR
At this point, we assume that PHP was installed using the msi method and we have included the PEAR support.
If so, we will find a file go-pear.bat. If you execute this batch file, and agree with all prompts, it will install PEAR. At the end of installation you will see a new file created in the PHP_HOME directory: PEAR_ENV.reg. We need to double click on this registry file in order to import necessary environment settings into the Windows registry.
Content of this file PEAR_ENV.reg:
By running command
pear version
we can validate PEAR install.C:\>pear version
PEAR Version: 1.7.2
PHP Version: 5.2.8Zend Engine Version: 2.2.0Running on: Windows NT PHILKA 5.1 build 2600
3.3 Installing PHPUnit
PHPUnit represents an environment for Unit-tests creation. We will install PHPUnit with PEAR.
Initialising PEAR-channel for install:
C:\>pear channel-discover pear.phpunit.de
Adding Channel "pear.phpunit.de" succeeded
Discovery of channel "pear.phpunit.de" succeeded
Deutschland channel is open – we can ’sail’.
C:\>pear install channel://pear.phpunit.de/PHPUnit
Did not download optional dependencies: pear/Image_GraphViz, pear/Log, use --alldeps to download automatically
phpunit/PHPUnit can optionally use package "pear/Image_GraphViz" (version >= 1.2.1)phpunit/PHPUnit can optionally use package "pear/Log"phpunit/PHPUnit can optionally use PHP extension "pdo"phpunit/PHPUnit can optionally use PHP extension "pdo_mysql"phpunit/PHPUnit can optionally use PHP extension "pdo_sqlite"phpunit/PHPUnit can optionally use PHP extension "xdebug" (version >= 2.0.0)downloading PHPUnit-3.3.15.tgz ...Starting to download PHPUnit-3.3.15.tgz (272,118 bytes)...........................................done: 272,118 bytesinstall ok: channel://pear.phpunit.de/PHPUnit-3.3.15
3.4 Testing_Selenium
Testing_Selenium is a PHP driver for Selenium RC. A more detailed package description can be obtained from here.
Let’s ‘deodorise’ channel pear.php.net …
C:>\pear channel-update pear.php.net
Updating channel "pear.php.net"
Update of Channel "pear.php.net" succeeded
… and now we start the install of Testing_Selenium component!
C:\>pear install channel://pear.php.net/Testing_Selenium-0.4.3
downloading Testing_Selenium-0.4.3.tgz ...
Starting to download Testing_Selenium-0.4.3.tgz (2,417,750 bytes)...............................................done: 2,417,750 bytesinstall ok: channel://pear.php.net/Testing_Selenium-0.4.3
3.5 log4php
During the selection of the components to use, we thought twice and decided that log4php logging will be more convenient for this exercise. We know that log4php is a younger twin of log4j. You can download log4php here or checkout log4php from this place.
If you do not know what an SVN ‘checkout’ operation is, you might like to install one of the SVN clients such as TortoiseSVN (see 4 below), and read its documentation to learn more.
Log4php file structure looks like this:
Fig. 8 log4php – file structure
After install, we must rename directory log4php\trunk\src\main\php into log4php and copy it to PHP_HOME. In this case the directory is C:\php. Once log4php is copied into c:\PHP. We are done!
4. TortoiseSVN**
Tortoise SVN is a convenient SVN client which is available from here. It is integrated into Windows Explorer, and this is the reason we must reboot after its installation. You will need it a bit later to checkout the Recruiting application tests from our SVN repository.
* – You can use IE. As we expect this is already installed on this Windows platform. For those of you who need an instruction how to use IE instead of Firefox – we will explain before we start running tests.
** – Installation of TortoiseSVN is also not required especially if you have one of standalone or integrated SVN clients . There are plenty of tools which allow to checkout from SVN. Inquisitive minds can point their Browser at http://deepshiftlabs.com/svn/tests/trunk/salesforce/ and get files from out website. Although we don’t expect that you will.
As a morning exercise, we propose to run first workable revision of Java tests (Revision 54). We assume that you have installed environment (Selenium and Java). Our short guide on how to do this can be found on page ‘Environment installation’.
It is important to have Recruiting application created on SalesForce platform (in fact, you only need to create Recruiting Web Site object in it for now).
While creating Recruiting application it is good to follow book instructions precisely. Otherwise tests will bring many errors and it will be hard to figure out what was the cause, in this early version of Selenium tests on Java. Current version of the same tests will explain all errors in a user friendly way but we will discuss it later in this blog).
If you do not have Recruiting application, you will be able to look at code and resulting log file only (link to log file will be provided in next post). But if you are like us – determined and hardworking – and have application, you only need to configure tests and Selenium launchers. All information below is for you to do it quickly and painlessly.
Firstly, we extract revision 54 from SVN repository…
… Secondly, extract scripts which allow conveniently launch and stop Selenium Hub and RC. If you have own scripts or want to do it manually in a way described here – no problem.
We can launch one RC or four with these scripts.
All main settings are in start_hub_rc.bat and detailed instructions are in README file. We will use this bat-file to start Selenium.
If you want to start four browsers – please read last paragraph in a README file. README also explains what to do to use IE instead of Firefox.
Fig. 3
We will now change file settings.java and put our SalesForce account username and password. We will create a folder to store screenshots and write its location into settings.java too. You will need to change BROWSER here too if you want to run on IE.
Fig. 4
All we have to do now:
- rebuild.bat – compile (we do it every time we change one of Java files)
- start_hub_rc.bat – stat Selenium Hub and RC
- run.bat – start tests execution
and enjoy the action.
Fig. 5
Additional information about software installation and configuration can be obtained from the following trusted and reliable sources: