Thursday, 2 August 2012

Selenium Webdriver & Excel

Below are some of the links which will help you to work with Excel [.XLSX files] using Selenium Webdriver:

1. DataProvider - Data Driven Testing with Selenium and TestNG. [Link]

2. Parameterization of Selenium Tests with Microsoft Excel. [Link]

3. Data driven testing In Selenium using JXL (Part 1). [Link]

4. Data Driven Testing in Selenium using JXL (Part 2). [Link]

5. Using POI API to work with Excel (.XLSX file). [Link1][Link2 - Actual Code]

6. Reading writing from Excel files for selenium automation testing framework design. [Link]

7. Apache POI - Read Excel - For use of Selenium TestNG DataProvider. [Link]

8. Selenium - Reading test data from XLS (MS Excel) using Apache POI. [Link]

9. Hybrid Testing (Data + Keyword Driven) using Selenium. [Link]

10. Data-driven tests with JUnit 4 and Excel. [Link]

11. Lastly this selenium Wiki might help. [Link